陆飞有些虚弱回头这才看见一个白发苍苍老者正手举着一面古朴小镜一步步向着自己走来 刚刚照射住自己逼退武神意志金光似乎便是由这面古朴小镜中所爆发出 “咫镜!” 陆飞忽然听见有人惊呼了一紧接着便见周围阴阳师们“扑通”一便跪倒在了这位老者面前眼神满是狂热喊道“拜见田岛大祭司!” 就连刚刚那位看起来在神道会地位不低中年人此刻也对老者深深鞠了一躬恭敬喊了一“祭司大人!” “咫镜?祭司?”陆飞眼中先是闪过了一抹狐疑随即双眼猛然瞪大“难道他竟是伊势神宫大祭司!” 根据陆飞前掌握资料岛国除了忍者村、神道会这两大势力外另外还分布着更神秘三大神宫各自掌管着岛国三大神器其中一便是号称神社鼻祖伊势神宫历代掌握着据说是沐浴过天照神灵光咫镜! “不会吧!刚刚扫中我居然是岛国三大神器一咫镜?”陆飞忍不住有些咋舌同时心中恍然如果是这样那就不难解释茅山神打术什么会突然失效了! “把他带走!” 中年人匆匆白发老者交流了几句得到老者首肯后便见中年人一脸阴沉对着自己手挥了挥手 "Yes!" Two hands should be a quickly and then flew to the landing. "mom! If you die, you will die. Even if you die, you will ruin this shit Yasukuni Shrine! " Suddenly Lu Fei’s eyes flashed with an unprecedented crazy face, and then he […]
However, the state of Qin is strong and stable in the border, and there are no bandits of a little size. Where can anyone get enough 3,000 soldiers to fight against military forces to rob people?
Although this is called serious illness protection and escort, Xu Motian still attaches great importance to the heart if the body. He had a spacious and comfortable carriage prepared, which was thickly padded layer by layer to avoid shock and suffering, and he also prepared a lot of ginseng, which can be hung with a […]
Xia Qi reached out and waved his hand, and this piece of fluttering scroll fell into his hands.
Obviously, this piece of sheepskin was pinned down by Razer’s bones in front of the well before Razer’s treasures were taken away by the monster beast. Xia Qi’s eyes rested on the parchment, but it was a simple map, winding and drawing a road, and the rest were some magnificent mountains or rivers as references. […]
With a quick mind, Fang Yun continued
With a quick mind, Fang Yun continued to plunder other places and collect herbs. "Red jade is a blessing!" Fang Yun in the air, saw a few humble herbs in the grass. Heart together, gently swept, it is necessary to transplant this medicinal material into the "universal clock of heaven and earth". "Hoo!" As soon […]